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Medium Net Description
Now, the suction. Medium Net was built upon the transmission routines
from Dirk Woitha's 'Little Net'. Little Net is already fast
and in all common aspects it functions the same, only it can now:
1. Access several if not all Disk drives simultaneously over the Net.
2. The configuration can be saved
3. The length ... or?
4. Also, BGM-Partitions should also now work, this is however
still a litle flakey...
I am still working on making the whole thing run over the 2.Serial
(115 kBaud,grins)
Also the description of 'Little Net' is fairly accurate so I will now
continue with it and make only a few remarks in it.
LITTLE NET Description (more or less)
How do I connect the computers?
With the MED_NET.ACC you can network two ATARI STs over MIDI lines.
To accomplish this you must either join the MIDI In and MIDI OUT between
the two computers over two ready made Stereo cables, or make themself
a suitable cable. To accomplish this respectively Pin 4 and 5 from MIDI
OUT with Pin 4 and 5 (also 4 an 4 and 5 an5) from MIDI In on the other
Computer must be joined.
Anyone who only has one ST but wants to see 'Little NET' for themselves
can connect the MIDI OUT on their computers directly to their MIDI IN.
Also: Two Cable, one from MIDI In(1) to MIDI OUT(2) and one from
MIDI In(2) to MIDI OUT(1).
(Work around every flaw!)
How do I work with Medium NET?
First you must copy the MED_NET.ACC and MED_NET.RSC to your
boot partition. Once you have installed it on both computers,
you will need to reboot.
When you call up the accessory and activate the virtual Drives (most of
them :-)), you end up without a gap in the physical partition list.
Using computer(1), select which disk drives on computer 2 you'd like to
have access to inside the Medium NET ACC. Then, using computer(2), select
which disk drives on computer(1) you'd like to have access to on computer
one with the Medium NET ACC.
computer(1) has the 'genuine' Disk-drives A,B,C,D and computer(2) only
has Drive A.
computer(1) turns on Drive A in his Medium NET .ACC (the other has it also
otherwise nothing will happen), then Drive A appears on computer(1) as
Disk-drive E (E is the next open drive letter after the last "real" drive)
Computer(2) chooses Drive A and Drive D in the ACC. Computer(2) now has
the Disk-drives D and E, where D( Computer 2) is A( Computer 1), and E(
Computer 2) is C( Computer 1).
This is the pattern by which the drives will relate to one another as you
select them. i.e. The drive closest to the begining of the alphabet on
machine (1) (if it is selected) will be at least drive D on machine 2.
Feature: The first virtual Drive is at least Drive D,
otherwise the TOS thinks:"Aha, Drive C is there, so
I must save my Desktop.inf there!"
Which may not be usable for the other User...
When you have finished editing the configuration, you can save it with
'Save Configuration' - Good advice!
Now the work with Medium NET can begin.
With Medium NET, You can now read from all of the Disk-drives on the
other ST. And here is the best part, that someone on the other ST can
continue to work as normal! But you are thinking, that the Data
rate is about 2.5 KByte per Second and the Access is also
relatively slow. But then again what do you expect for the cost of the
Hardware (next to nothing).
Beyond this you can still send a message to the other ST. However
this will only be displayed, when the computer on the receiving end is
running a GEM application. You enter your message in the Medium NET
dialog and click on the 'Text send' button. If you wish to send a
reply you also do this through the Medium NET dialog.
Problems with Medium NET
The binding of the network software in the operating system is not
complete and so it can cause problems that it cannot solve itself.
Theoretically it is possible to Write over the Net. However should
someone on the other ST write at the same time to the same drive, you
then have total Chaos. Therefore one must not allow the opposite machine
to write on your Disk-drive. This appears next to the read/write Button
in the dialog. With inactive one can also turn off Read.
One should never(!) open a file over the Net for Write,
this risks the loss of the file!!
One Problem also occurs with Read. This is namely your machine will
receive none of the Media-Change messages from the opposite machine. I
therefore generate at every opening of the Medium NET dialog a Media-Change
for all of the drives that you are supposed to be connected with,
therefore you should always open the Medium Net dialog and close it
again before retrieving a directory off of a foreign drive. With a
floppy disk change this is always necessary.
It is somewhat frivolous to install Medium NET, when one only wants one
File from the other computer (on the hard drive), especially if you don't
want to bother the other person. But when one has one ST with and one
without a Hardrive, one can now access the drive from either computer (when
you don't mind it being relatively slow).
Ah yes, one should also watch out for the partition size on TOS 1.0,
as the Config-save transmits only the selected partitions from and to (Ask
me why sometime...)
LITTLE NET is PUBLIC DOMAIN and can therefore freely be given away.
For the distribution of this Program, I am thankful to them.
Distribute LITTLE NET but only with the complete File, also with this
description included.
On these grounds Medium Net is also PD. With respect to the grounds above.
I'm sure you are thinking to yourself about how you could put the routines
in this program to work in your own. If you would like to include them,
then you must thank me with a 10 DM gift. When you do this I will send you
a disk with more PD programs and Source-texts.
My Adresse: Bankverbindung:
-------------- ---------------
Dirk Woitha STadtsparkasse Remscheid
Hebbelstr. 11 Blz.: 340 500 00
5630 Remscheid 11 K-Nr.: 612 507
Tel.: 02191/662845
(after 7 pm)
I sent a letter to Mr. Woitha to get the source code, but He said that he
had not had an Atari for some time, but that he would give me advice. And
that he didn't know where the above disk was obtainable.
Whoever wants, and whoever even likes this program, or whoever even
wants to expand it, then send me a donation of your own choice!
My Adresse: My Account:
-------------- -----------
Thorsten Pohlmann Post giro Ffm
Frauensteinerstr. 15 BLZ.:50010060
6200 Wiesbaden K-NR.:362429-604
but not before 10 am!
One is not for nothing a Student!
Thorsten Pohlmann @WI2
Thorsten Pohlmann 2:248/4.8
Selbredend geschieht jede Verwendung/Nichtverwendung dieses Programms
auf eigene Verantwortung! Garantie/Haftung not available in any Shop!
English translation by Dan Ackerman
disclaimer: This is not an authorized translation. I did this on my own
in my spare time due to a friend of mine having problems with this program.
My German is not that good. I am definately not a native speaker of
German and some would question my English ;) Some humor has been omitted,
(sorry but I couldn't make heads or tails of it). You're welcome to give
it a try. So, enough of my bantering. I will not be held responsible for
misuse of this document. Take it as is. Also the original author cannot
be held responsible for the use or misuse of this document. Hopefully you
will find this more useful than the original if you don't speak German.